
Venture into my writing, where words and ideas roam free.

Unlocking user insights with Microsoft Clarity

Unlocking user insights with Microsoft Clarity

Enter Microsoft Clarity, a free analytics tool designed to illuminate how users interact with your website. It has features like heatmaps, session recordings, and an insights dashboard, Clarity offers tools help identify pain points, optimize content placement, and ultimately, enhance overall user satisfaction.

From Symptom to Solution - The Role of Tech in Ecuadorian Healthcare

From Symptom to Solution - The Role of Tech in Ecuadorian Healthcare

In a recent experience with the private healthcare system in Ecuador, somebody who we are going to call 'patient' encountered a level of service and efficiency that was both surprising and impressive. This blog post will walk you through the timeline of events, highlighting how technology played a crucial role in her swift recovery. For privacy reasons, we will refer to the patient as "the patient."

Say What? The Magic of UX Writing

Say What? The Magic of UX Writing

UX writing is the art of crafting the words that guide users through interfaces, making interactions seamless and intuitive. Good UX writing is not just about being clear and concise—it's about understanding user needs and addressing them effectively.

Eat that frog - Summary

Eat that frog - Summary

Explore key insights from Brian Tracy’s "Eat That Frog" and discover practical strategies to enhance productivity and combat procrastination in our latest blog post. Whether you're an aspiring engineer, a hobbyist, or someone struggling with procrastination, learn how to prioritize tasks effectively and manage your time with efficiency.

How to always stay within your groceries budget with a Notion template

How to always stay within your groceries budget with a Notion template

Managing a grocery budget can be a challenging task. Without a solid plan, it's all too easy to overspend, buy items you don't need, and forget the ones you do. That's where our new solution comes into play,a comprehensive Notion template designed to keep your grocery spending in check while ensuring you purchase everything on your list.

Practical UI - Summary

Practical UI - Summary

Practical UI by Adham Dannaway is a comprehensive guide on user interface (UI) design, emphasizing practical and logical approaches to design decisions. The book covers fundamentals like minimizing usability risks, ensuring accessibility, and using common design patterns.